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Money from the Jobcenter München

The citizen's income (Das Bürgergeld)

Lacking rent or money to live on? We can help you!

If you do not earn enough or any money to pay for you and your family, the Jobcenter München can help you. This allows you to focus more on your work or find a new or better job. We can also help you with this with our advice and assistance for work.

You must fulfil a few requirements for this.

The most important requirements are as follows:

  • You must be at least 15 years old. But you must not yet be old enough to qualify for an old-age pension.
  • You must also be fit for work. This means that you can work at least three hours a day. However, it is not important whether you have a job.
  • You must submit an application to us.

We can then calculate how much money you need for rent and living expenses. If you earn less money at work or receive it from somewhere else (e.g. child benefit or parental allowance) or have saved it, we will help you and your family.

If you do not have German citizenship, there are additional rules. If you are a foreigner from a country of the European Union, for example, you must be an employee for you and your family to receive money from the Jobcenter München.

You can find much more information on these services on the website.

However, the Jobcenter München cannot help some people. There are then often other places where you can get help. The most important other places in Munich are as follows:

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