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The new image film of the Jobcenter München

A very special thanks goes to the actors and actresses in our new image film. The highlight of this: All participants are employees of the Jobcenter München!

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The Jobcenter München

"We create prospects!"

The Jobcenter München is a joint institution of the Federal Employment Agency and the City of Munich as a municipal body. Since 1 January 2005, the Jobcenter München has taken great social responsibility for providing basic benefits for jobseekers in accordance with the Second German Social Code (SGB II) and supports people in taking up employment or an apprenticeship. Twelve social community centres, the Centre for Housing and Integration and the Specialist Office for Vocational Reintegration enable Munich’s clients to receive advice quickly and close to home. You will find a list of the individual locations at the bottom of this page.

Around 1,000 employees currently work for the Jobcenter München. We aim to create new opportunities and prospects for our clients in various life situations through competent and tailored advice and to jointly develop and implement solutions for their personal and professional futures.

In our video “The Jobcenter München introduces itself” you can find out more about the work, locations and departments of the Jobcenter München:

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Opening hours, postal adress and email adress

of our Sozialbürgerhäuser ans departments

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